Monday, March 16, 2009

10 - AIIMS november 2002 community medicine mcqs - part 4

15q: as per the world health organization guidelines, iodine deficiency disorders are endemic in a community if the prevalence of goiter in school age children is more than ?

a. 1 %
b. 5 %
c. 10 %
d. 15 %

16q: a 46 year old female presented at the eye OPD in a hospital. Her vision in the right eye was 6/60 and in the left eye is 3/60. under the national programme for control of blindness, she will be classified as ?

a. socially blind
b. low vision
c. economically blind
d. normal vision

17q: the visual acuity used as a cut off for differentiating “normal” from “abnormal” children in the school vision screening programme in India is ?

a. 6/6
b. 6/9
c. 6/12
d. 6/90

18q: when a diagnostic test is used in series mode then ?

a. sensitivity increases but the specificity decreases
b. specificity increases but the sensitivity decreases
c. both sensitivity and specificity decreases
d. both sensitivity and specificity increases

19q: the active immunity offered by tetanus toxoid is effective in nearly ?

a. 25 % of patients
b. 50 % of patients
c. 75 % of patients
d. 100 % of patients

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